$500,000 Matching Challenge

This comes at a time when significant building repairs, updates, and expanding programs are needed in order to continue serving these hungry souls every day. Hurting men and women from across Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan are looking for a heart like yours to help meet physical needs, but more than that—to help address their hunger for hope, hunger for change, and hunger for the opportunity to turn their lives around! The projects we are focused on in Phase II are:

  • An Elevator- more of the building could be put to use if it were accessible to those with physical limitations.
  • Energy efficient windows- the current windows are drafty, single pane plastic and aluminum units. Many are ill fitting, impossible to open or close completely, and offer little protection from drafts . Most are frosted opaque, offering limited natural light.
  • Expanded programming- more programming and access to services for our residential guests and community members like work force development, mentoring, and life transformations.

We have already raised over $8 million of our $10 million goal to expand programming, build new spaces and improve the Life Revitalization Center. Please help us reach this next goal. Feel free to contact us with your questions about our capital improvements and goals.