Our Mission

Cherry Street Mission Ministries is committed to delivering solutions that will reverse the cycle of poverty for all people in our community through providing purposeful discipleship and the restoration of hope in order to release God’s greatness.

As faithful supporters in these weirdly different days, you have continued  to show what it means to provide for the solutions to reverse the cycle of poverty.  The individuals that are affiliated as guests with Cherry Street have a most tenuous scenario when it comes to facing the national/international dilemma that we all have been working through with the corona/COVID 19 virus.  Unlike most of us, the residential guests at Cherry Street live in a congregate setting and have no place of isolation in which to retreat. Our staff (who are essential employees for our community) have worked passionately right alongside the guests in this communal environment, to ensure the best practices available are employed for one another’s health and safety.  And during it all, your support of the on-going work here allows us to continue our mission.  With your support we provide daily hot and nutritious meals for 100’s of the residential guests thus allowing for healthy bodies to fight infection.  We have the resources to purchase personal protective equipment and commercially approved chemicals that clean and sanitized our spaces and that have prevented serious illness and hospitalizations.  Staff and guests are participating in training sessions weekly (and sometimes more often!) to bring to light the best practices that are recommended as the environment changes.  During the long hours of “staying at home”, there continues to be opportunities to access spiritual studies, critical thinking games and activities and telehealth connections to mental health providers.  All of these efforts have perhaps given those staying at Cherry Street a true sense of safety in a world of uncertainty.  All of these things, and many more, allow us to continue to give guests access to the hope of a brighter new day and a vision of God’s greatness that is available to us all.