Even a short conversation with Calvin reveals his quick analytical mind and his determination not to let past or current difficulties stop him from accomplishing his goals.  Calvin has made a lot of progress since becoming a guest at Cherry Street Mission Ministries. He has a car and a job and a sense of purpose and direction. As he puts it, “I’m not here to get a handout. I want a sense of accomplishment.” His sights are set on a couple of job promotions and post-high school education in a field that will challenge him and will lead to more satisfying employment.

Calvin has been a student of the scriptures since he was a child. Even in third grade catechism class he had an acute need to know, to understand exactly what the Bible said and how church traditions operated. Not satisfied with the teacher’s “That’s the way it is,” over the years, Calvin has studied Latin and Greek to get to the original meaning and intent of Biblical writers. He observes that, ”Latin helped me understand the mindset of the ancients, especially the Romans, how they thought.”  “You ought to try to understand it (the Bible) in the context of what was said; it gives insight, fills in the gaps between what you may see in the Bible and what was being said.”

Calvin’s passion for accuracy and truth does not stop at his search to get to the heart of scripture. It motivates everything he does. He plans to take more training classes here at Cherry Street and college level classes to challenge his quick mind and open the way for a secure future where untapped insight and knowledge awaits him.

Calvin is grateful for the support he has received here. “If it weren’t for you, I never would have gotten the job I did.” He is saving for an apartment. Although we will miss him, we will celebrate yet another step into a bright future.  Thank you for the gifts you have given to Cherry Street Mission Ministries that make it possible for men like Calvin to build a new life.