Sure, you know we’re serving up great food. But we’re also serving up great opportunities locally. For every donation, we’re providing a “Second Helping” for a neighbor in need. And you’re helping support Cherry Street and the culinary students who make everything fresh daily.

Our mission is to feed whole neighborhoods – body, soul and spirit. You’re making that happen.For this, we can’t thank you enough.

Sure, you know we’re serving up great food. But we’re also serving up great opportunities locally. For every donation, we’re providing a “Second Helping” for a neighbor in need. And you’re helping support Cherry Street and the culinary students who make everything fresh daily.

Our mission is to feed whole neighborhoods – body, soul and spirit. You’re making that happen. And for that, we can’t thank you enough.


Second Helping will offer a variety of fresh, unique menu choices prepared by our recent food truck graduates.

Interested in booking Second Helping Food Truck for your event? Email us at

Event Request Form

This food truck is operated by Culinary and Entrepreneurship Certified Workforce Development Students.

Learn More About Our Workforce Development Classes

For more information, please view our Workforce Development page.

Workforce Development

Offer a freewill donation that will help feed neighborhoods today!

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